Now we have understood about what is webRTC and it’s API’s through my last post . Next let’s move to signaling mechanism and how it is important in webRTC . What is signaling process ? How it is important in communication ?
If your new to this webRTC series or post , please go though my previous post about webRTC introduction .
WebRTC intriduction : Introduction to webRTC in modern browser
getusermedia API : Access user media with getUserMedia API
RTCPeerconnection API : Walk though RTC peer Connection API
What is signaling in WebRTC ?
In WebRTC application , We can see the peer user’s (another client) video and audio . How can we get their video and audio data to our browser ? How can we know about the client video , audio codec information ?
You can watch the video series of WebRTC signaling
Let me Explain one by one . In order to communicate with video or audio , We need to know about user video and audio codec specification . Isn’t ? So it is the process that exchange the protocols and codec information between different devices . other things will taken care by webRTC API’s . RTCPeerConnection object is responsible for signaling in WebRTC. In order to Communicate between peer users , WebRTC maintain a signaling server . We can create this server with simple programming language . Here I am going to use NodeJs language with socket based method to illustrate signaling process .
Steps in Signalling process
Ok you got the basic information about signaling process . Next let’s move to quick introduction about the various steps in signaling process . These are the main process involved in signaling process .
- Create list of candidate for peer connection
- Request and acceptance of offer request
- Initiation of RTCPeerConnection object between user
- Exchange the software and hardware informations through the server
Signaling Server
Now i am going to explain about how to create a simple signaling server for webRTC communication . Using this server , two users can communicate each other .
Steps :
In webRTC user can call the other user with sending offer request , answer request and ICE candidate between them . This are the main steps involved in webRTC Signaling process .
- Both User 1 and User 2 will register and login to the server
- User 1 will send a offer request to User 2 via signaling server with offer method handler .
- Other user , User 2 will accept the offer request ( answer the call ) with answer method handler .
- After successful acknowledgment , they will send ICE candidate between users .
You can get a overall idea about the signaling process and how it is important in webRTC though this post . In coming post i will share about how to create a simple signaling server with Nodejs web Socket method . If you have any query or suggestions , please let me know through our contact form or comment section .
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